Nick Monsarrat

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Nick Monsarrat

Goodreads Author

in Norwalk, Conn., The United States


All top Russian novelists; Fitzgerald, Hemingway, Cormac McCarthy, J.M ...more

Member Since
February 2013


For many years, Nick Monsarrat was a newspaper reporter, editor and editorial writer, and college-level journalism teacher. He has been writing novels since 1996.
His first published fiction appeared in Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine shortly after graduation from Washington & Lee University.
Born in Westport, Conn., and a graduate of Kent School, his newspaper career included service in the U.S. Air Force from 1963-1967, where he was assigned to Clark Air Base in the Philippines as a reporter, writing about the Air Force's jungle survival school, air rescue operations, and base hospital's pioneering work with Vietnam wounded. The experience brought him face to face with the intrinsic cruelty of warfare and the extraordinary humanitarianism

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Nick Monsarrat I recast a sentence, paragraph, sometimes an entire scene, so it feels fresh and new. It helps get me out of the ditch. It's like rocking a car back a…moreI recast a sentence, paragraph, sometimes an entire scene, so it feels fresh and new. It helps get me out of the ditch. It's like rocking a car back and forth, to and fro, until the spinning wheels find some traction. Otherwise, they spin in the same direction, deeper and deeper into the same old ditch, until the car is hopelessly stuck. (less)
Nick Monsarrat Having a license to lie without fear of recrimination.
Average rating: 5.0 · 2 ratings · 1 review · 2 distinct works
united states

it was amazing 5.00 avg rating — 2 ratings — published 2014 — 4 editions
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United States: A Novel

0.00 avg rating — 0 ratings — published 2014
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* Note: these are all the books on Goodreads for this author. To add more, click here.

Without community, what are we?

The title of my novel “united states” is lowercased because we are anything but a united nation. To confront our deeply contentious times, we must do what disparate players in my novel find themselves compelled to do in the chaos of a near-future America: unite in common purpose. The urgency of this truth is made only more apparent by every passing day as we witness senseless, fracturing violence, Read more of this blog post »
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